1st we went to carphonewarehosue , the guy there gave a big lecture about he can only sell 1 phone per/person etc. Made us to wait 30 mins and took all my details and said o we can’t sell iphone 3GS 16gb on pay as you and ask us to go to an o2 store. Because of this guy delayed us O2 shop was closed.
Finally bought it on apple store. Even apple store messed it all up, as their top up thing didn’t work but they were nice about it let us have the phone I might do a un-boxing video .
I would never go to carphonewarehosue again.
What do you think of the iPhone, how do you rank it against other phones you’ve owned ?
I didn’t like it that much, this iphone battery life is ok. like the compas other than that it was not exciting. I still like my ipod touch/blackberry serup