Update 16/07/2020: It\’s now slightly more than a year bike stood, stand of time. No issues apart from a break-cable coming off a bracket, two mins fix. Other than that it\’s a reliable bike. Even when we get a massive hill or something She can\’t handle, she jumped off the bike and bike took those impacts very well. No damage still looking like a new bike and ride well. I have to wash and put some chain lube on, but it doesn\’t need it.
She now needs the next bike Frog 52, her hight is still ok for this bike, but She now needs the gears. I will update it. No stock anywhere at the moment.
I can sell this bike now for £150 bought it for £230, so I only lost £80 that is not bad after more than a year worth of usage.
Original review 4th April 2019: I needed to get a bicycle for my daughter as she is quite comfortable with a balance bike. Did my research most of the kid\’s bike are proper rubbish and heavy, hard to ride, no real air tires etc. Don\’t get me started on the \”girls\” princes bike and \”boy\” superhero bikes nonsense.
Close call between Isla bikes and frog bikes. I decided to go with frog as the local dealer had the colour my daughter wanted, and dealer assembled it and I got it ready to ride.
The bike is super easy to carry for me and easy to ride for my daughter. I didn\’t use training. She pretty much got the hang of it on the day one but still few days training to go to stop and start without my help. The overall bike was easy enough, and even a few falls bike handled it well. Will highly recommend.
Price-wise it is not cheap but not very expensive as well. comes with five year warranty. Resell values are good if you want to buy a bigger size in the future