Google Apps for Business and Apple Macs

what ever google says It\’s pretty rubbish, Nothing but trouble. If your company using macs and thinking about google apps don\’t. If all your users are happy to use webmail then fine but if they are going to use Entourage, mac mail or outlook 2011 then It\’s nothing but trouble, It will work fine as a pop account but who uses pop now days.

Google should bring a sync tool macs too like they have it on Pcs

Reset apple server 10.6 ( snow leopard ) root, admin and diradmin password

reset root and admin (local accounts) passwords with apple CD. reset open directory (LDAP) directory administrator password

sudo mkpassdb -dump | grep diradmin

this will give a slot no like this
slot 0001: 0x00000000000000000000000000000001

then type this

sudo mkpassdb -setpassword 0x00000000000000000000000000000001

enter the new password you good to go