If you live in UK and willing to commit your self with an ISP for 3 years, they are giving a way free pentium 4 PC. if you use an old pc or just need a 2nd pc for a kid or some thing it\’s a good deal I guess, and their is free vista upgrade too. think it\’s must be vista basic.
remember it\’s a 3 year contract. link —> www.redteninternet.com
Category: general
Please sign the E-Petitions
This a petitions to get No 10 to make SL gov to open the A9 main road , if you live in UK please sign it to help SL Tamils
Digital Retro: The Evolution and Design of the Personal Computer
bought this book gone read 4 next week, this book have all the home computers from mid 70 early 90s. should be a interesting read
here is link on google books
Rolling on dedicated server
My ex host is just pain full. As my earlier post, just moved it to this. I still can’t move my din100.net domain, as I need to move lot of data and some sub domains pointing 2 some of my private servers. So gone stick with din100.com for the time.
Hope it’s fast 4 all u lot 🙂
got my self a new 19\” widescreen monitor
Got it from here.
what a good screen loving it, I can see all my Tamil movies in 16:9, and brightness is great. got 1 dead pixel tho. well I don’t want to give it away. as it\’s got 3 year warranty all in all I\’m happy
Massacred school girls to be remembered (21/8 to 24/8)

The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference
Final Opera 9 is out
Using it from last night. I\’m use to firefox for browsing but opera\’s build in bittorrent client is superb . takes very less memory than any other bittorrent client I used. Azureus not really great on mac as with any java apps. I always had trouble using Azureus with wireless access, now all ok thanks to opera 9
Another Sinhala gov propaganda proved as lie
1st sinhala government and their propaganda news agents were posting news about LTTE attacking a Buddhist temple but it�s turns out a big lie even the sinhala monk from that temple told as what happened in their more on BBC
They started this lie as to cover up their SL navy\’s killing inside the church last week