It\’s really good in catching all the blog spam. After I disable captcha, I was worried I\’m gone get spam but Akismet doing a good job
upgraded wordpress
upgraded wp now just have to see what it can do now.
quick shutdown tip for xp
press ctrl+alt+del , press tab till the selection window come to shutdown button and then press ctrl+enter it will should down like few sec
I\’m back
will be start posting from now on, had a little problem posting from home but now back
My new setup
This my plan , may be not best for home computer but gone give it a go, Upgrade the RAM to 4 gig and set the hard drive on RAID 5 with 3X 500 gig drives and gone install windows 2008 with hyper-V as a base unit on that gone install xp, Vista, server 2003 and 2008 gone set vista as main pc for me to use every day rest I start as I need them. I donÂ’t know how good pc for gaming on hyper-V I donÂ’t think it will be any good but will see
No internet at home
Moving house so no internet at home so my updates  to blogs will be limited
Don\’t buy Belkin Linkstation pro drives
God the worse network drive ever, every one I know having trouble with it. I bought 2 and 1 dead. My work place bought 8 drives 2 of them are dead now. kind a shows how good they are 🙁
their older ver of linkststions are great. I still have the 250 gig ones it\’s this new ones that having trouble , (which have drive to drive backup and AD integration etc,) may be they try to do more than what it can do.
I kind a disable it now It\’s causing lot of issue with new WordPress we\’ll see how the this blog get along with out it, If the spamming is too much then I will have to enable it
Another cool tool I found to manage exchange 2007 , local system, even active directory network etc it\’s giving a power shell a gui interface so can do many things on 1 interface kind a cool give it a try
Swindon Museum of Computing gone be closed :(
I haven\’t been their but apparently they gone be closed in a year some thing to do with the university closing the Swindon campus so they have to to move out to some where else more on zdnet
I have to go and see before it closed down